Release notes v3.2

Release notes v3.2

Upgrade Path

Based on the version currently installed, your system may need incremental upgrades to your system before you finalize on version 3.2.67

The following table illustrates the upgrade path required, depending on your current version. If you are on version 3.2.0 today, then you can apply the 3.2.67 update directly. However, if you are on 2.x you will need a major version update to 3.x first.


Customers running CT Suite 2.5 and earlier must perform the upgrade on new servers.
Due to the architecture changes from version 2.x to 3.x additional servers, including
additional CPU, Memory and Disk space will be required.

Please consult your partner to schedule a design review.

Enhancements & Bug Fixes


The following table list essential bug fixes in this version of CT Suite

 Issue # Affected Module Description

TFS# 1238 Communications Server Unable to disable logging. Drive space keeps filling up
TFS# 1251 Reports (All) Exporting large reports to Excel hangs and will not complete
TFS# 1254 License Server count Provide interface to view current and historical license usage 
TFS# 1309 SMS Channel Thread issue after <x> messages. Problem would occur in thread after exceeding a certain number of text messages from 
the same user
TFS# 1312 My Stats (dataFX) DFX Loses Connectivity to SQL causes My Stats Issue. Once disconnected it does not reconnect
TFS # 1346 Device Manager / AES CT Device Manager AES reconnect attempt to second server only. If system has two AES servers created in the AES Server Group in CT Admin, and the primary server goes down, the Device Manager tries to reconnect to the second AES.  If the reconnect attempt to the second AES fails, the Device Manager continues to try to reconnect to the second server
TFS# 1362 Device Manager Device Manager memory leak. Memory incrementally increase over time and does not release until restart of service
TFS# 1363 RabbitMQ CT Suite application services making repeated connection attempts to RMQ, causing multiple connections for the same service
TFS# 1158 Agent Gauge Widget Added ability for users to view skills they are not assigned to, added VDN view of longest call, added combo view of gauges
TFS# 1206 Agent Permissions Allow disabling of Agent Settings on a more granular level. Enable Edit Agent Settings (Yes/No). Default Yes. If No, the Edit button in Agent Setting must be disabled.
- Allow Show Presence (yes/no). Default yes. If No, hide Show Presence in Dashboard
- Allow Show Multimedia Info (yes/no). Default yes. If no, hide Show Multimedia Info
- Allow Show Web Board (yes/no). Default yes. If no, hide Show Web Board
TFS# 1219 Web Client / Chat Web Client now recognize the chat skill on chat call
TFS# 1221 Gauges / Multimedia Work Items Option to show all work items for a skill and not just what is launched in the Avaya Skill. This applies to Web Client gauges and CT Suite Dashboard thick client.
TFS# 1385 Web Client / State Timer Reset the ACW timer to zero on completion of ACD call. This was not an issue when the skill used ACW, but for skills not using ACW the timer would continue to count
TFS# 1387 Web Client / Email Suspend In Email widget, added logic to validate to only allow suspend or transfer of email work items with direction of inbound
TFS# 1409 Web Client / Gauges When adding a new queue to monitor, sometimes the queue doesn't show as a queue to add in the web client
TFS# 1441 CT Open Queue / Service In certain situation, CT Open Queue fails to receive multimedia device count causing the multimedia work item not to be queued
TFS# 1474 Web Client / Agent Agent state timer not rolling over when changing from one AUX code to another on the hard phone
TFS# 1476 Web Client / Outbound Outbound call list with the ability to release lead after making the call
TFS# 1477 Web Client / Softphone Wrap-up notes field does not properly resize
TFS# 1480 Web Client / Presence Presence groups with ‘&’ symbol causing a parsing issue
TFS# 1482 CT Outbound / Service Unable to inherit the route VDNs when updating the multimedia route VDNs configured in CT Admin
TFS 1483 Web Client / Email The email work item associated to the phantom call is now visually available
TFS# 1484 Device Manager / CTI Device snapshot requests from the web client are not properly processed
TFS# 1489 CT Outbound / Service In certain situation, the CT Outbound service stops processing requests due to logging service issue
TFS# 1490 Web Client / Agent When Agent changes state on hard phone to an AUX code that doesn't exist in the drop-down list, the user gets stuck in AUX default
TFS# 1491 Web Client / Softphone When making call, UUI is only picked up if you type in the UUI field before the phone number is typed in. In addition, the UUI field doesn't work when making an outbound call from the history
TFS# 1493 Web Client / Softphone Call snapshot process fails where active call is not visually represented when the web client is reconnected to the server
TFS# 1496 Web Client / Gauges Issue when trying to filter the hunt groups for agent template
TFS# 1497 Web Client / Gauges When the web client is reconnected from the server, the gauge information is not updated
TFS# 1500 Web Client / Presence When the users logs out of the web client, the user extension is cleared in Presence. This is applicable to users that are part of the template with hot seating and prompt for extension enabled
TFS# 1504 CT Monitor / Database The Split/Skill field in AgentStats table is truncated when the Split/Skill digits are greater than eight digits
TFS# 1508 Device Manager / CTI In certain situation, Device Manager encounters an input string was not in a correct format exception
TFS# 1511 Web Client / Email Web client fails to parse the email To field when semicolon is proceeded with another semicolon
TFS# 1513 CT Monitor / Database CT Monitor inserting duplicate agent statistic information causing erroneous information displayed in the MyStats
TFS# 1514 Web Client / Presence Presence showing incorrect talk state when the user is on a non-acd call
TFS# 1515 Web Client / Presence Presence displaying incorrect AUX reason code when the agent state is in AUX default (0)
TFS# 1517 Web Client / Email Email font and size is now stored in the user browser local storage
TFS# 1518 Web Client / Email Email notes window not showing all notes and scroller is not fully shown
TFS# 1519 Web Client / Remote Worker When user is configured as remote worker using the Other work type option, the Telephone At field displays the configured extension instead of the user remote phone number
TFS# 1525 Web Client / Email Email work item can be closed in the Sent folder
TFS# 1526 Web Client / Contacts Contact refresh is now available in Global Contacts
TFS# 1527 Web Client / Softphone Web client fails to clear the call appearance when the call is disconnected, and a new call is delivered
TFS# 1532 Web Client / Presence When Presence tab is not in focus, the presence grid doesn't get updated with the correct agent state
TFS# 1533 Web Client / Email Email attachment files names are now available in the email printout headers
TFS# 1537 Web Client / Softphone Line 3 is falsely activated when initiating call on line 2 while on line 1
TFS# 1542 Web Client / Email Email conversation to show related email work items
TFS# 1543 CT Email Service Email advanced routing to manage routing based on last agent, domain, keyword, SME and last agent schedule

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